Essential Information
Fire Extinguishers for Cooking Oil Fires
The auto ignition temperature of burning cooking oil is higher than other typical combustible liquids so the standard Class B foam fire exti...
Disposal of Foam Fire Extinguishers
The Groundwater Regulations are designed to prevent dangerous substances for causing direct or indirect pollution to groundwater (used as a source o...
Fire Safety In Boats
By their very construction, operation and working environment boats pose very different fire risks to buildings, but by applying some common-sen...
Fire Fighting – Who is Responsible?
The requirement to provide adequate fire fighting equipment in buildings is a long standing obligation under fire safety legislation. This require...
ADR 2007 Vehicle Safety Legislation
ADR vehicles over 7.5 tonnes will be required to carry extra fire extinguisher capacity up to a total minimum of 12kg dry powder (or equiva...
Fire Prevention
A major contrast between traditional fire safety legislation and the new Regulatory Reform Order is that with previous fire safety legislation t...
Fire Detection & Alarms
The need to provide a means to give occupants in buildings a clear warning of a fire is a fundamental aspect of fire safety. This requirement to...
Means of Escape
Providing a clear and unambiguous means of escape from buildings in the event of fire is fundamental to life safety and must be incorporated at an e...
Information and Training for Employees
In England and Wales the ”general fire precautions” which are the main thrust of the new Regulatory Reform (fire safety) Order: 2005 imposes num...