There have been many horror stories told of the poor treatment of the elderly in care but our experience has been the opposite. She considers the place as her home and calls it such.
That said maneuvering the wheelchair was quite difficult. The corridors were wide enough but not in the face of oncoming residents using frames or staff pushing medical trolleys, and the turn through the door to her room was a tight squeeze with the lady on board.
That set me wondering how staff would cope if an emergency evacuation was required. Residential and Nursing homes have been under the spotlight since the Regulatory Reform (fire safety) Order (RRO) came into force in 2006. I discovered there is a 155 page guide to fire risk assessment under the RRO just for care and nursing homes.

She detailed the provisions including ensuring adequate staff levels even at night, installing an evacuation lift and providing special evac chairs, shorthand for evacuation chairs that can transport residents down stairways. Anticipating my next question with respect to my own relative the home also had a special powered evacuation chair that one member of staff could use to transport a resident in a disabled wheelchair including down stairs..
The manager concluded by saying complying with the RRO had cost tens of thousands of pounds and was one reason why some major care and nursing home operators were in financial trouble. Not sure I agree with that as more likely it is chronic central and local government underfunding over many years that is to blame, but at least I left reassured that mum was in safe hands.